Observatorio de las Islamofobia en los medios

  • Promoting a debate about the role of media in creating stereotyping and distorted images about these communities.
  • Advancing towards a responsible media coverage on this issue.
  • Disseminating positive messages about diversity and interculturalism with regards to Muslim communities through media.

The objectives above are directed towards the same objective– contributing to the inclusion of Muslim communities as members of European communities. In this way, targeting and marginalizing these communities, which is a prevailing factor in promoting hate speech and the resonance of fundamentalist ideologies among societies, is prevented.


Our Methodology: How we select news articles, classing criteria, statistics, reports and reports, qualitative analysis.

Activities in 2019

  • Continuing increasing awareness and monitoring media.
  • Developing a good practices handbook.
  • Creating training modules for journalists and implementing it in journalism schools and newspapers offices.

Statistics in 2017 – proving the existence of a pressing reality

  • 66% of published news have islamophobic content;
  • 9 out of 10 news about Islam are treated from a negative perspective.

Report 2017

The Undeniable Reality: Islamophobia in Media (Executive Summary)

An international collective against Islamophobia.

Combating the structural drivers of anti-Muslim racism through research, advocacy, capacity building outreach and innovative visual reports from across Europe.

This project was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).

The content of this project represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

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